Welcome to Labour Commissionerate :: Government of West Bengal Labour Commission

General Timelines for Registration, Renewal, Amendment and Grant of License

Sl. No.ServicesDesignated officerStipulated time limitsort descendingAppellate OfficerStipulated time limitsort descendingReviewing OfficerStipulated time limitsort descending
1Registration and Amendment of Certificate of Registration of Establishment of Principal Employer under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and Rules thereunder.Assistant Labour Commissioner30Deputy Labour Commissioner45Labour Commissioner60
2Licensing of Contractors and Amendment, Renewal of Licence under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition)Act, 1970 and Rules thereunder.Assistant Labour Commissioner30Deputy Labour Commissioner45Labour Commissioner60
3Registration and renewal, Changes of Certificates of Registration of Shops and Establishments under the West Bengal Shops & Establishments Act, 1963 and Rules thereunder.Assistant Labour Commissioner1Deputy Labour Commissioner15Labour Commissioner30
4Registration and amendment of certificate of registration of establishment under the Buildings and others Construction workers (Regulation of Employment and conditions of services) Act, 1996 and Rules thereunder.Assistant Labour Commissioner30Deputy Labour Commissioner45Labour Commissioner60
5Registration and amendment of certificate of Registration of Establishment of Principal Employer under the Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Services) Act, 1979 and Rules thereunder.Assistant Labour Commissioner30Deputy Labour Commissioner45Labour Commissioner60
6Licensing of Contractors and Amendment, Renewal of Licences under the Inter-State Migrant workmen (Regulation of Employment and condition of services) Act, 1979 and Rules thereunder.Assistant Labour Commissioner30Deputy Labour Commissioner45Labour Commissioner60
7Registration and Amendment, Renewal of Certificate of Registration of the Motor Transport undertakings under the Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961 and Rules thereunder.Assistant Labour Commissioner30Deputy Labour Commissioner45Labour Commissioner60
8Licensing of Industrial Premises and Renewal of Licenses under the Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1966 and Rules thereunder.Assistant Labour Commissioner90Deputy Labour Commissioner45Labour Commissioner60
9Issuance of Registration Certificate as per the Trade Unions Act, 1926 to the applicant Trade Unions.Deputy Registrar of Trade Union42Deputy Labour Commissioner (Trade Union Section)45Registrar of Trade Union60

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